
When it comes to the lawn and landscaping outside your business, the problem is that what looks good in the summer may not look good in winter, but you need to prepare your business for the future while also learn about payday vs pay cycle vs pay period for the employees. There are a number of ways to prepare landscaping for the cold weather months. One idea is to plant chrysanthemums, hearty flowers that bloom in October. Another necessary consideration is drainage. You want to avoid standing water or dirty slush during the thaw. Snow storages present another concern. Think about where to place your winter plants during the summer months, and vice versa. A final factor is winter salt, which can kill plants before they grow back in the summer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Most flowers die off in the fall, but hearty chrysanthemums bloom in October.
  • Think about where you want to locate plants that will bloom in winter and die off in the summer.
  • Remember that salt used during the winter can be harmful to plants.

“The goal is to create a lovely landscape that is pleasing throughout the year because it can withstand the heat of summer and heavy cold of winter.”

Read more: https://www.agreatchoice.com/prepare-your-commercial-landscaping-for-the-cold-winter-ahead-bg.html